apologetically dressed in the best

Sunday, November 25, 2007

"a lie keeps growing and growing until it's as clear as the nose on your face."

some of us rework our gameplan when we realize we are not winning,
others just keep butting heads with brick walls using the same strategy that digs them deeper in the ground.

"i was this close to saying how i felt, instead i swallowed it for dinner."
besides since when did progress ever mean the same thing as regress?
"i ate the words because it's all i can keep down anymore."

take the weight off your shoulders before it becomes a pain in the neck.

"no man has a good enough memory to make a successful liar"

the shark is not only hunting but watched as well, and maybe eventually you will see its better to swim in your own waters and leave me be in mine.
animals are caged seperately at the zoo for a reason sometimes, i wonder if this is it.

life is a lot of becoming more understanding and clear headed- just not to the point anyone can see what you are thinking.

sorry for the cobwebs where emotions used to be that are growing since i left-
but its not my place to clear them and its not my place to ever go back to..
someday someone will.

sympathy to anyone that needs it, no one in particular. we can all relate:

sometimes its hard to sleep at night, i know, but think of it this way-
there was life before me so there will be life after me.
there were good times before me so there will be good times after me.
you smiled before me so you'll smile again someday even with me gone.
sincerely, i wish you the best of luck.

"only enemies speak the truth. friends and lovers lie endlessly"
