apologetically dressed in the best

Monday, January 01, 2007

i hope it keeps you up at nights.

i hope it takes your sleep like you take time, life, hearts. every story i hear about you i'd write off as just a rumor if it didn't sound like what had happened to me. think of it as like an aa support group to getting over assholes.

after all, theres snow outside. im good to go.

it didnt feel like christmas, and it never felt like the holidays, why should it feel like a new year? should it? cause really, it doesnt. hope this year words i say won't go out my mouth and then out someone else's- but that is pretty much hopeless hoping considering how many people hang on every word i say just to throw it back at me later.

people make resolutions but i'm not this year. i don't want to talk to you, not even once. not even to hear "you were right". not even to hear "im sorry" because i already know you're every meaning of the word.

bitter statements like "i hope it was worth it" are worthless. its never ever worth it but you never know it when someone says that. too bad the pieces you left me in won't be there to pick up when you realize that.

sitting in a "pulitzer prize winner (in training)" shirt, i looked back at my writing a year ago. two years ago. i look at it now and i am so proud of how far i've come.

"take heart, sweetheart, or i will take it from you."

just think if i keep improving.