my mind is rotting away and i must apologize to you at once. i am sorry for the beast i have unleashed, for it is now spreading a trail of plague and fatigue wherever it goes. though what seemed like a good idea at the time months later has been exposed as the worst decision of my life. now the best intentions lay ruined in its path and eyes fight sleep after hearing the beasts repeated attempts at bonding with a human being during its mating call rituals performed on anyone that will answer. you know exactly what i mean, and if you dont you havent been paying attention. notice the flesh of a once good person with a gleam in their eye parish to expose the scarred and bleeding core thriving on dishonesty. "how can you not destory what you created?" "when it gets a life of its own." avoid this monster, it multiplies to conquer and destroy what is out of reach. turn your cheek while you still have your head on your shoulders. once you let it get under your skin this parasite will eat you alive one bite at a time until theyve taken the life from you. until you cant live without it. all we can do is ignore and avoid, hold our crosses up like garlic to vampires and our bibles under our arms like armor from athetists and pray that this demon returns to hell alone before we all go there first, hoping that hell turns out to be a better place than this. we can beat what we fear by becoming it- but i would rather keep my soul until i find the highest bidder. "i am a better person, i am a better person, i am better than you and what you put me through" the new pledge of allegance for america.
this will probably be deleted by the time i wake up.